Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Mathematica 28:2

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Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Mathematica 28:2
Editor Olli Martio
Finnish Academy of Science and Letters
Helsinki 2003, 251 pp.
Articles: V. A. Klyachin & V. M. Miklyukov, Geometric structure of tubes and bands of zero mean curvature in Minkowski space; Toshihide Futamura & Mizuta Yoshihiro, Lindelöf theorems for monotone Sobolev functions; Robert Kaufman, José G. Llorente & Jang-Mei Wu, Nonlinear harmonic measures on trees; Karl F. Barth & Philip J. Rippon, Infinitely many asymptotic values of locally univalent meromorphic functions; Hiroshige Shiga, On a distance defined by the lenght spectrum on Teichmüller space; Dierk Schleicher & Johannes Zimmer, Periodic points and dynamic rays of exponential maps; Steve Hofmann, John L. Lewis & Kaj Nyström, Existence of big pieces of graphs for parabolic problems; Peter A. Hästö, The Apollonian metric: uniformity and quasiconvexity; Andrew Lorent, A generalised conical density theorem for unrectifiable sets; Bent Fuglede, Finite energy maps from Riemannian polyhedra to metric spaces; Juha Kinnunen & Olli Martio, Potential theory of quasiminimizers.
More Information
ISSN 1239-629X
Publisher Suomen matemaattinen yhdistys
Series Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Series A 1 Mathematica
Published (year) 2003
Cover Softcover
Type of Binding Softcover binding
Languages english
Disciplines Mathematics
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