Current events


Inventaarion vuoksi verkkokaupan toimituksissa on viiveitä ajalla ti 5.3. – pe 8.3.2024. Pahoittelemme häiriötä.

Myymälä on auki normaalisti.


Fördröjningar i nätbutikens beställningar 5–8.3.2024 p.g.a. inventering. Vi beklagar störningen.

Butiken är öppen som vanligt.


Due to the inventory, there are some delays in deliveries from 5th to 8th March 2024. We apologize for the inconvenience.

The Shop is open as usual.

The shop is closed for the summer / The webstore is operating normally

The shop is closed from June 17, 2024, and reopens in September next door.

The address remains the same (Snellmaninkatu 13, Helsinki).

The webstore is available day and night!

Bookstore Tiedekirja is moving next door this autumn!

Bookstore Tiedekirja is moving next door this autumn!

The moving sale has started in the Tiedekirja store and will continue till 14th June 2024, after which the store will close for the summer.

All books are discounted at least 30 percent in the store. There are also specially priced products whose price has already been reduced. In the last week of the moving sale, prices will drop further. Stay tuned!

The store's address (Snellmaninkatu 13, Helsinki) will remain the same even after the move.

Please note that the clearance sale is only in the store. In the webstore, the books are not at the same discount.


Occasional disruptions in the web shop on Wed, Nov 12.​​​​​​​​ We apologize.

Membership discounts only from the shop

For the time being, society members receive discounts only from the Bookstore Tiedekirja shop. If you wish to order a publication in a discounted price, please contact Bookstore Tiedekirja (

Itäkeskus pick-up point is closed in summer

In the summer, pick-up from Iiris-Center in Itäkeskus is closed. The pick-up point is closed from 21 June to 26 July 2024. Remember to pick up the products on time, no later than June 20th. The pick-up point will open again on 29.7. If you miss an order, you can pick it up in August.

Order and collect service

We have new service available in Bookstore Tiedekirja. The customer can pick-up the ordered and paid items from a pick-up point: the reception in Iiris Centre in Itäkeskus, Marjaniementie 74.

Read more info from Terms and conditions.

Coronavirus effects on the post delivery

Changes to the items sent abroad from Finland. See effects from the pages.
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