Sosiologia 2015:4

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Sosiologia 2015:4 = Journal of the Westemarck Society
Päätoim. Eeva Luhtakallio & Tuukka Ylä-Anttila
Westermarck Society, The
Sastamala s.a., 315–414 pp.
Sisältää mm. artikkelit: Margarethe Olbertz-Siitonen & Marko Siitonen, The Silence of the Finns. Exploring the Anatomy of an Academic Myth; Matilda Hellman & Anu Katainen, The Autonomous Finnish Man Against the Nanny State in the Age of Online Outrage. The State and the Citizen in the "Whiskygate" Alcohol Policy Debate; Daria Krivonos, (Im)mobile Lives. Young Russian Women's Narratives of Work and Citizenship Insecurities in Finland; Michael Egerer & Anna Alanko, Problem Gambling and the Non-Medical Addiction Model. Finnish General Practitioners' and Social Workers' Perceptions; Nicholas Gane, Central Banking, Technocratic Governance and the Financial Crisis. Placing Quantitative Easing Into Question
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ISSN 0038-1640
Förläggare Westermarck Society, The
Publikationsserie Sosiologia
Tryckt (år) s.a.
Publikationens omslag Mjuk pärm
Bandtyp Häftad
Språk engelska
Vetenskapsgrenar Sosiologi
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