Sexualizing of Economic Discourse in a Finnish Daily Newspaper of the 1990s

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Parikka, Tuija
Sexualizing of Economic Discourse in a Finnish Daily Newspaper of the 1990s
Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters
Commentationes Scientiarum Socialium 63
Saarijärvi 2004, 185 pp.
This book explores how the economic discourse of the 1990s became a site of reproduction of sexual difference in the crisis media. Studying the media discourses extends from the mainstream newspaper coverage of the decade to the post-crisis media recollections of female and male citizens. In the light of Irigaryan criticism on Western discourses, the author displays how the sexualizing of economic discourse during the crisis was connected to women's possiblities and strategies to express economic aims, and ultimately, to having a voice of one's own in economic debates.
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ISBN 951-653-331-0
ISSN 0355-256X
Förläggare Finska Vetenskaps-Societeten - Suomen Tiedeseura
Serier Commentationes Scientiarum Socialium
Tryckt (år) 2004
Publikationens omslag Mjuk pärm
Bandtyp Häftad
Språk engelska
Vetenskapsgrenar Sosiologi, Massmedieforskning
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