Research Ethics in Studies of Culture and Social Life

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Research Ethics in Studies of Culture and Social Life
Edited by Bente Gullveig Alver, Tove Ingebørg Fjell & Ørjar Øyen
Finnish Academy of Science and Letters
FF Communications 292
Vammala 2007, 232 pp.
This collection of essays explores issues that often come into view in humanistic and social science research. A general introductory article discusses major challenges of practical research ethics appearing along the entire time span of a research undertaking. In the articles that follow, analyses departing from a variety of vantage points address key issues – such as protecting individual integrity, obtaining informed consent, exploring private and intimate arenas, doing research on weak groups, being caught between conflicting socio-political forces, seeking truth and validity of texts, studying crossroads of cultures, and assessing value structures underlying concerns of research ethics.
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ISBN 978-951-41-1011-5
ISSN 0014-5815
Förläggare Kalevalaseura-säätiö
Publikationsserie FF Communications
Tryckt (år) 2007
Publikationens omslag Mjuk pärm
Bandtyp Häftad
Språk engelska
Vetenskapsgrenar Folklore och folkloristik, Etnologi
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