Quantitative Geodiversity Assessment in Biodiversity Investigations

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Toivanen, Maija
Quantitative Geodiversity Assessment in Biodiversity Investigations
Pohjois-Suomen Maantieteellinen Seura
Nordia Geographical Publications 53:2
Turku 2024, 118 pp.
Geodiversity, the diversity of non-living nature, has gained increased attention in scientific discourse in recent years. It refers to the diversity of geological, geomorphological and hydrological features of the Earth's (sub-)surface, which also provide the basis for biodiversity.

This thesis investigates the concept of geodiversity and its relationship with biodiversity. The main objective is to establish a theoretical and methodological framework for studying landscape-scale geodiversity in biodiversity investigations, with some insights for nature conservation. The research includes a theoretical overview of the geodiversity–biodiversity relationship and provides empirical evidence of the relationship from both freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems. Additionally, it introduces the first Europe-wide geodiversity dataset, facilitating future research on this topic.

Moreover, this thesis challenges conventional views of nature’s diversity that define diversity narrowly and primarily in biotic terms. Increased understanding of geodiversity will contribute to a more holistic approach to nature, both in research and in public discourse.
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ISBN 978-952-62-4195-1
ISSN 1238-2086
Förläggare Pohjois-Suomen Maantieteellinen Seura
Publikationsserie Nordia Geographical Publications
Tryckt (år) 2024
Publikationens omslag Mjuk pärm
Bandtyp Häftad
Språk engelska
Vetenskapsgrenar Geologi, Naturen, Geografi, Miljöforskning
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