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Purvaparaprajñabhinandanam. East and West, Past and Present. Indological and Other Essays in Honour of Klaus Karttunen
Edited by Bertil Tikkanen & Albion M. Butters
Finnish Oriental Society
Studia Orientalia 110
Jyväskylä 2011, xxii + 333 pp.
Articles: Select Bibliography of Klaus Karttunen 1980–2010; Greg Bailey, “Him I Call a Brahmin”: Further instances of intertextuality between the Mahabharata and some Pali texts; Hans Bakker, Origin and Spread of the Pasupata Movement: About Heracles, Lakulisa and symbols of masculinity; Johannes Bronkhorst, Archetypes and Bottlenecks: Reflections on the text history of the Mahabharata; Måns Broo, Drama in the Service of Krsna: Rupa Gosvamin’s Nataka-Candrika; Rahul Peter Das, The Classical Ayurvedic Representation of Human Anatomy; Madhav M. Deshpande, Arsa versus Anarsa in Panini and Allied Literature; Harry Falk, Die Kurus und Ihre Jungen Frauen; Masato Fujii, The Recovery of the Body after Death. A prehistory of the devayana and pitryana; Jan Meulenbeld, Laksmana’s Yogacandrika; Patrick Olivelle, War and Peace: Semantics of Sandhi and Vigraha in the Arthasastra; Asko Parpola, The Three Ways of Chanting in a Sacrificial Laud: Chapter two of Jaimini-Paryadhyaya (Jaiminiya-Srautasutra III) with Bhavatrata’s commentary: Sanskrit text with an annotated English translation; Richard Salomon, The Macedonian Month Xandikos in Gandharan Inscriptions; Henri Schildt, Rare Medieval Kerala Murals at Kumbla, near Kasargorde; Bertil Tikkanen, Domaki Noun Inflection and Case Syntax; Outi Merisalo, In Horis Sanguinis: Physiology and Generation in the Pseudo-Galenic De Spermate; Petri Pohjanlehto, Nasal Reduction in Late Luwian; Jouna Pyysalo, Fourteen Indo-European Etymologies in Honour of Klaus Karttunen; Harry Halén, Henrik Grenman and Olga Sederholm – Two unlucky Finnish Orientalists from the town of Vasa; Tapani Harviainen, Syriac Poems Written by Finnish Scholars in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries; Nadja Johansson, Abraham Ibn Ezra on “the Scholars of India” – A twelfth century Jewish view of Indian astrology; Kaj Öhnrberg, Georg August Wallin: An Orientalist between national and imperial orientalism; Yaroslov Vassilkov, From the History of Indian Studies in Russia: Gerasim Lebedev and the Freemasons.
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ISBN 978-951-9380-76-6
ISSN 0039-3282
Förläggare Suomen Itämainen Seura - Finska Orientsällskapet
Publikationsserie Studia Orientalia
Tryckt (år) 2011
Publikationens omslag Mjuk pärm
Bandtyp Häftad
Språk flerspråkig
Vetenskapsgrenar Orientalistik
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