Papers on Ancient Greek Linguistics

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Papers on Ancient Greek Linguistics. Proceedings of the Ninth International Colloquium on Ancient Greek Linguistics (ICAGL9) 30 August – 1 September 2018, Helsinki
Ed. Martti Leiwo, Marja Vierros and Sonja Dahlgren
Finska Vetenskaps-Societeten - Suomen Tiedeseura
Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum 139
Vaasa 2020, 578 pp.
This volume is a collection of twenty-nine papers that had their preliminary presentation at the 9th International Colloquium on Ancient Greek Linguistics (ICAGL9) that took place in Helsinki 28 August – 1 September, 2018. Thus they show exciting new lines of research in the field of Ancient Greek linguistics, where many approaches take advantage of current linguistic methods and theories.

The Helsinki colloquium had two themes: 1) Language contact between Greek and other languages and 2) Linguistic research on original documents and manuscripts. The majority of the papers in this volume focus on these themes, many of them on both. However, Ancient Greek linguistic research from all angles, synchronically as well as diachronically studied, was welcomed. Consequently, all levels and many topics regarding language analysis – morphology, syntax, modality discourse analysis, semantics as well as pragmatics - were presented in the contributions by scholars ranging from those beginning their academic careers ro those with already well established names in the field.
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ISBN 978-951-653-443-8
ISSN 0069-6587
Förläggare Finska Vetenskaps-Societeten - Suomen Tiedeseura
Publikationsserie Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum
Tryckt (år) 2020
Publikationens omslag Mjuk pärm
Bandtyp Häftad
Språk engelska
Vetenskapsgrenar Språkforskning
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