Network of songs

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Niemi, Jarkko & Lapsui, Anastasia
Network of songs. Individual songs of the Ob' Gulf Nenets. Music and local history as sung by Maria Maksimovna Lapsui
Finno-Ugrian Society
Suomalais-Ugrilaisen Seuran Toimituksia 248
Vammala 2004, 201 pp.
This publication is an attempt to present a Nenets song repertoire performed by a Nenets singer Maria Maksimovna Lapsui. It includes the documentation of the song repertoire as linguistic and musical text, an analysis and discussion of the structural level of the songs as representatives of the Nenets singing style and indigenous Arctic music of western Siberia. An attempt is also made to understand these songs as a reflection of a social network and historical environment of a small Nenets village.
Mer information
ISBN 952-5150-77-1
ISSN 0355-0230
Förläggare Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura
Publikationsserie Suomalais-Ugrilaisen Seuran Toimituksia
Tryckt (år) 2004
Publikationens omslag Mjuk pärm
Bandtyp Häftad
Språk engelska
Vetenskapsgrenar Folklore och folkloristik
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