Materiality and Objects: Multi-disciplinary Approaches to Archaeological Material and Contexts

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Materiality and Objects: Multi-disciplinary Approaches to Archaeological Material and Contexts. Proceedings of the Finnish-Russian Archaeological Symposium, Hämeenlinna, 10-12 October 2019
Ed. Petri Halinen and Jouni Taivainen
Suomen Muinaismuistoyhdistys
Iskos 24
Helsinki 2021, 166 pp.
Articles: Aleksandr A. Vybornov, Eugeniya L. Lychagina, Marianna A. Kulkova & Andrey F. Melnichuk, Periodization and Chronology of the Eneolithic in the Upper and Middle Kama Regions; Evgeniy M. Kolpokov, Anton l. Murashkin, Alevtina M. Kiseleva, Vladimir Ya. Shumkin & Kristiina Mannermaa, Kharlovka 1-6 on the Kola Peninsula: One of the Oldest Gressbakken House Sites in Northern Fennoscandia; Teemu Mökkönen & Kerkko Nordqvist, The Use of Mineral Raw Materials in Lithic Knapping in Stone Age Northern Ostrobothnia, Finland; Evgeniia S. Tkach, Stone Age Settlements in the Pskov Region (Northwest Russia): A Review of Old Materials and New Fieldwork; Andrey Gorodilov, Excavations of Bronze Age Burial cairns near the Village of Bolshoy Bor in 2017 (Northern Coast of the Gulf of Finland); Mika Lavento, The Long-Period Dwelling Site of Multavieru at Lake Höytiäinen in North Karelia - Approaching Questions in the Municipalities of Polvijärvi, Kontiolahti, Joensuu and Liperi; Maria A. Razzak (Yushkova), Archaeological Survey of the Outer lslands of the Gulf of Finland in 2019; Natalia V. Grigoreva, Some Results of the Multidisciplinary Approach to the study of Archaeological Sites of Staraya Ladoga; Oula Seitsonen & Natalia Égüez, Here be Reindeer: Geoarchaeological Approaches to the Transspecies Lifeworlds of the Sámi Reindeer Herder Camps on the Tundra; Aleksandr I. Saksa, Archaeological Discovery of Medieval Vyborg. The Town Development in the 15th-17th Centuries According to the Materials Obtained during the Archaeological Excavations in 1998-2012.
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ISBN 978-952-6655-28-4
ISSN 0355-3108
Förläggare Suomen Muinaismuistoyhdistys
Publikationsserie Iskos
Tryckt (år) 2021
Publikationens omslag Mjuk pärm
Bandtyp Häftad
Språk engelska
Vetenskapsgrenar Arkeologi
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