Fennoscandia Archaeologica XXX

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Fennoscandia Archaeologica XXX
Editors Janne Ikäheimo & Antti Lahelma
Archaeological Society of Finland
Vaasa 2013, 144 pp.
Articles: Jussi-Pekka Taavitsainen & Visa Immonen, Looking at archaeology through 30 years of Fennoscandia Archaeologica. An interview; Teemu Mökkönen, Stone Setting Filled with Red Ochre from the Keelaharju Site, Northernmost Baltic Sea Region: A Stone Age Grave in the Context of North European Burial Traditions; Jan Magne Gjerde, Stone Age Rock Art and Beluga Landscapes at River Vyg, North-western Russia; Oddmund Andersen & al., Sámi Settlement and the Use of Pine Inner Bark in Lønsdal, Nordland, Norway. Dating and Historical Context; Marte Spangen, ‘It Could Be One Thing or Another’ ‒ On the Construction of an Archaeological Category; Krista Vajanto, Fibre Analysis of Late Iron Age, Early Medieval and Modern Finnish Wools; Ville Hakamäki & Jari-Matti Kuusela, Examining the Topography and Social Context of Metal Age Artefact Finds in Northern Finland; Marika Mägi, Corporate Power Structures as Indicated in Archaeological Evidence: The Case of Estonia in the Middle Iron Age and Viking Age; Jari-Matti Kuusela & al., Suutarinniemi: The Late Iron Age/Early Medival Cemetery of Ii (Northern Ostrobothnia, Finland).
Mer information
ISSN 0781-7126
Förläggare Suomen Arkeologinen Seura
Publikationsserie Fennoscandia Archaeologica
Tryckt (år) 2013
Publikationens omslag Mjuk pärm
Bandtyp Häftad
Språk engelska
Vetenskapsgrenar Arkeologi
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