Early in the North. 5

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Early in the North. 5
Editor Mika Lavento
Finnish Antiquarian Society & Archaeological Society of Finland
Iskos 13
Vammala 2004, 155 pp.
Contents: Ari Siiriäinen, Aarni Erä-Esko 80 years; The Bibliography of Dr. Aarni Erä-Esko; Christian Carpelan, The Early in the North Project - Background and Objectives; Christian Carpelan, Environment, Archaeology and Radiocarbon Dates. Notes from the Inari Region, Northern Finnish Lapland; Christian Carpelan, Corded Ware Culture in Northern Finland; Ari Siiriäinen, The Archaeology of the Ancient Lake Kolpene in Rovaniemi: a Review of Investigations; Sheila Hicks, Antti Huttunen & Raija-Liisa Huttunen, A Pollen Record of the Presence of Hunter-fisher Communities in the Vicinity of Lake Retsamo, Finnish Lapland; Mika Lavento, Raija-Liisa Huttunen & Antti Huttunen, Palynological Investigations at the Ruhtinansalmi Dwelling-site Complex in Suomussalmi. Anthropogenic Pollen Evidence for a Hunter-gatherer Economy? Pirkko Ukkonen, Early in the North - Utilization of Animal Resources in Northern Finland during Prehistory; Jari Mäki, The Annual Cycle of the Settlements of the Circumpolar Peoples.
Mer information
ISBN 951-9057-51-X
ISSN 0355-3108
Förläggare Suomen Muinaismuistoyhdistys
Publikationsserie Iskos
Tryckt (år) 2004
Publikationens omslag Mjuk pärm
Bandtyp Häftad
Språk engelska
Vetenskapsgrenar Arkeologi
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