Constructing Identity in Interpersonal Communication

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Constructing Identity in Interpersonal Communication = Construction identitaire dans la communication interpersonnelle = Identitätskonstruktion in der interpersonalen Kommunikation
Ed. by / Éd. par / Hrsg. von Minna Palander-Collin, Hartmut Lenk, Minna Nevala & al.
Société Néophilologique
Mémoires de la Société Néophilologique de Helsinki LXXXI
Jyväskylä 2010, xiii + 389 pp.
Identity is a broad, complex and increasingly topical issue in a variety of fields, where identity is primarily regarded as a social phenomenon. But how exactly are the self and other expressed, established and negotiated in interpersonal communication? The articles included in this multilingual volume provide a variety of approaches and answers exploring the linguistic construction of various identities in different interactional contexts.
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