Castella Maris Baltici VI

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Castella Maris Baltici VI
Editor Albinas Kuncevicius
Finnish Society for Medieval Archaeology. Lithuanian Centre of Cultural Heritage
Archaeologia Medii Aevi Finlandiae VII
Vilnius 2004, 243 pp.
Including articles: Charlotte Boje & Hillingsø Andersen, Material culture in Danish castles; Lars Bengtsson, Three crowns - the royal castle in Stockholm; Tomáš Durdik, Zur Einflussproblematik im Rahmen der böhmischen Burgenarchitektur; Øystein Ekroll, Norwegian castles north of the Arctic Circle; Giedrè Filipavicienè, Retrospection of Trakai fortification system in the 14th-15th centuries; Christofer Herrmann, Deutschordensburgen in der "Grossen Wildnis"; Werner Meyer, Burgenbau und natürliche Umweltbedingungen; Terhi Mikkola, Spatial organization in the late Medieval castle of Häme, Finland; Ieva Ose, Die ersten Burgen mit regulärem Grundriss in Lettland; Kazimierz Pospieszny, Der preussisch-livländische "Konventshaustyp" als eine Kloster-und-Herrschaftsidee; Anders Reisnert, Some Scanian and Scandinavian castles and their relations to the Livonian Order; Heinz Sauer, Vir nobilis Bernhardus de Lippia (1140-1224), Spurensuche im Balticum; Daiva Steponaviciene, Gothic period music in the court of the Lithuanian Grand Duchy; Gintautas Zabiela, Castle warfare between Lithuania and the Order in Lower Panemune in the late Middle Ages.
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ISBN 9986-420-55-5
ISSN 1236-5882
Förläggare Suomen keskiajan arkeologian seura - Sällskapet för medeltidsarkeologi i Finland
Serier Archaeologia Medii Aevi Finlandiae
Tryckt (år) 2004
Publikationens omslag Hård pärm
Bandtyp Inbunden
Språk flerspråkig
Vetenskapsgrenar Arkitektur, Historia
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