Byzantium and the North 5

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Byzantium and the North 5. Acta Byzantina Fennica
Editor-in-Chief René Gothóni
Finnish Society for Byzantine Studies
Helsinki 1992, 162 pp.
Contents: Paavo Hohti, Professor Henrik Zilliacus in memoriam; Gunnar af Hällström, Origen in Greece; Ismo Pellikka, In Search of a Vision: The Narrative Structure and Function of the Old Russian Pilgrims' Tales; Petra Pentikäinen, Angels Fallen in Love: A Comparative Study of Fallen Angels in Christian and Islamic Theology in the 7th and 8th Centuries; Juha-Pekka Rentto, Icon and Nature: An Orthodox Understanding of the natural Law; Tuukka Talvio, Byzantine Coins from Sweden; T. I. Haapalainen, Beinahe byzantinisch? Eine Melodiegeschichte; René Gothóni, Research Project: Monasticism, Pilgrimage and Society.
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ISSN 0356-1879
Förläggare Bysantin tutkimuksen seura
Publikationsserie Byzantium and the North
Tryckt (år) 1992
Publikationens omslag Mjuk pärm
Bandtyp Häftad
Språk engelska
Vetenskapsgrenar Bysantinsk forskning
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