Byzantium and the North 4

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Byzantium and the North 4. Acta Byzantina Fennica
Finnish Society for Byzantine Studies
Helsinki 1989,
Articles: Patrick Bruun, Carnuntum and the Filii Augustorum; René Gothóni & Ismo Pellikka, Russian reports about Athos during Turkish sovereingty; Heikki Kirkinen, Les racines de la division de l'Europe et de son unité; Teuvo Laitila, Infidel Orthodox? Patriarch Gennadios II (1454-1456) and the making of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in teh context of sultan Mehmed II's policy; S. A. Mousalimas, Contrasting Theological Outlooks on Ancient Kodiak Culture in Alaska; Unto Salo, The early Stage of Finland's Conversation to Christianity; Hilkka Seppälä, The solemn Recitation; Tuukka Talvio, New Information on the Find of Volla.
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ISSN 0356-1879
Förläggare Bysantin tutkimuksen seura
Publikationsserie Byzantium and the North, Acta Byzantina Fennica
Tryckt (år) 1989
Publikationens omslag Mjuk pärm
Bandtyp Häftad
Språk engelska
Vetenskapsgrenar Bysantinsk forskning
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