Acta Byzantina Fennica 4 (N.s.)

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Acta Byzantina Fennica 4 (N.s.)
Editor Mika Hakkarainen
Bysantin tutkimuksen seura
Vantaa 2015, 151 pp.
Articles: Antti Lampinen, A Helping Hand from the Divine. Notes on the Triumphalist Iconography of the Early Theodosians; Annika Asp-Talwar, Constantine Loukites, the Emperors’ Right-hand Man in Fourteenth Century Trebizond; Björn Forsén, Mika Hakkarainen & Brikena Shkodra-Rrugia, Blood and Salt: Some Thoughts Evolving from the Topography of the Battle at Dyrrachium in 1081; Juho Wilskman, Conflict and Cooperation: Campaigns on the Peloponnese in 1264; Kai Juntunen, The Image of Cleopatra in Ioannes Xiphilinos’ Epitome of Cassius Dio: A Reflection of the Empress Eudokia Makrembolitissa?
Mer information
ISSN 1458-7017
Förläggare Bysantin tutkimuksen seura
Publikationsserie Acta Byzantina Fennica (N.s.)
Tryckt (år) 2015
Publikationens omslag Mjuk pärm
Bandtyp Häftad
Språk engelska
Vetenskapsgrenar Bysantinsk forskning
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