Recent perspectives on Sámi archaeology in Fennoscandia and North-West Russia

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Recent perspectives on Sámi archaeology in Fennoscandia and North-West Russia. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Sámi archaeology, Rovaniemi, 19–22 October 2006
Editors Petri Halinen, Mika Lavento & Mervi Suhonen
Finnish Antiquarian Society
Iskos 17
s.l. 2009, 168 pp.
Articles: Oddmund Andersen, Bone deposits and reindeer luck; Kjell-Åke Aronsson, Relations between man and reindeer – traces of reindeer herding; Tiina Äikäs, Landscape archaeology and Sámi ritual landscapes. Examples from Ukonsaari, Juuvaara and Taatsi; Ingrid Sommerseth, Árran – Sámi hearths. A millennium of settlement in a reindeer landscape in the interior of northern Norway; Nina Karlsson, Settlement and subsistence in the forest area of Northern Sweden. An environmental archaeological study of dwelling sites with hearths; Nadežda Lobanova, On the problem of stone structures in the Karelian part of the White Sea area: data from archaeological trial surveys 2000–2006; Mark Kosmenko, Discussion regarding the south-east origin of the Sámi; Alexander Žul’nikov, Early Iron Age settlements in the western part of the White Sea; Mark Šahnovic, “Lapps” and “Lapp” objects in northern and western Karelia; Marte Spangen, Silver hoards in Sámi areas; Noel D. Broadbent & Britta Wennstedt Edvinger, Excavations at Hornlandsudde, Hälsingland, Sweden: nine hundred years of sealing and new evidence of Sámi iron working; Lisa Dunfjeld-Aagård, Interpretation of historical and archaeological sources in the South Sami coastal area in Norway; Eeva-Kristiina Harlin, The possibilities of osteology in historical Sámi archaeology. Life and livelihood at the 18th-century Ohcejohka Sámi market site; Taarna Valtonen, Place-name perspectives on the Saami past. The importance of multidisciplinary source criticism; Hilkka Oksala, Sámi past in the NW forest Lapland in Finland – tradition and change from the Stone Age up to historical times; Arne Håkon Thomassen, The management of Sámi monuments and sites in Norway – the right to a past.
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ISBN 978-951-9057-75-0
ISSN 0355-3108
Förläggare Suomen Muinaismuistoyhdistys
Publikationsserie Iskos
Tryckt (år) 2009
Publikationens omslag Mjuk pärm
Bandtyp Häftad
Språk engelska
Vetenskapsgrenar Arkeologi
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