Youth in The Media City

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Youth in The Media City. Belonging and control on the move
Eds. Johanna Sumiala & Annaliina Niitamo
Nuorisotutkimusseura. Julkaisuja 212
Helsinki 2019, 70 pp.
Welcome to the journey of two media cities, Helsinki and Saint Petersburg, to explore young people’s lives and cultures on the move in these environments and landscapes!

As a reader, you may dive into partly hidden urban youth subcultures: encounters in an urban circus, active Pokémon Go player communities, sticker artists redefining the city, or debating gender in graffiti subculture.

Take a look at just one essay or read them all. Or you may want to focus solely on the ponderable photos, or drift away by listening to the mesmerizing metro sounds in the digital version of this book, available here:
for scinece logo.for scinece logo.
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