Wittgenstein in Finland

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Uschanov, T. P.
Wittgenstein in Finland. A bibliography 1928-2002
Eurooppalaisen filosofian seura
niin & näin -kirjat 8
Tampere 2003, 100 pp.
Wittgenstein in Finland is an annotated, comprehensive bibliography of over 380 books and articles by and about philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein published in Finnish and/or written by Finnish scholars. Most entries are accompanied by English abstracts. Wittgenstein in Finland presents an overview of the multifaceted impact of impact of Wittgenstein's thought on Finnish philosophy and culture from the late 1920's up to the present day.
More Information
ISBN 951-96984-8-5
ISSN 1458-9001
Publisher Eurooppalaisen filosofian seura
Series niin & näin -kirjat
Published (year) 2003
Cover Softcover
Type of Binding Softcover binding
Languages english
Disciplines Philosophy
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Copyright © The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies