Utopia and Dystopia in Prophetic Literature

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Utopia and Dystopia in Prophetic Literature
Edited by Ehud Ben Zvi
Finnish Exegetical Society. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Publications of the Finnish Exegetical Society 92
Vammala 2006, 298 pp.
The conversation of scholars focuses on ancient contexts of prophetic literature, but deals at times also with habits of thinking about prophetic literature among critical scholars. It leads, among others, to numerous insights on literary and ideological features of these books, and on the social circumstances in which these texts were produced and read, as well as on their roles within society and the discursive worlds of which they were an integral part.
More Information
ISBN 951-9217-47-9
ISSN 0356-2786
Publisher Suomen Eksegeettinen Seura
Series Publications of the Finnish Exegetical Society
Published (year) 2006
Cover Softcover
Type of Binding Softcover binding
Languages english
Disciplines Theology
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