Travelling in a Palimpsest

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Lundström, Marie-Sofie
Travelling in a Palimpsest. Finnish nineteenth-century painters’ encounters with Spanish art and culture
Finnish Academy of Science and Letters
Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Humaniora 343
Jyväskylä 2008, 460 pp.
Like all travellers in Spain, Albert Edelfelt and the other Finnish nineteenth-century painters worshipped at the Prado, admired Flamenco dance, beautiful women, bullfights, and cypsies. Yearning for the authenticity of a distant and exotic past, yet following the usual tourist paths and admiring the common sights, they voyaged in a landscape partly mythical and partly real. Their imagining, experiencing and remembering Spain in snapshot paintings, souvenirs d'Espagne, is the theme of this book.
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