Suojoki at Keuruu

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Taavitsainen, J.-P. & Vilkuna, Janne & Forssell, Henry
Suojoki at Keuruu. A mid 14th-century site of the wilderness culture in the light of settlement historical processes in Central Finland
Finnish Academy of Science and Letters
Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Humaniora 346
Vaajakoski 2007, 232 pp.
In 1930, fragments of ancient boats were found when a field was cleared on the bank of the River Suojoki in Central Finland. Archaeologists returned to the enigmatic Suojoki site in 1989, now better equipped with radiocarbon methods for dating organic material and pollen analyses to reveal ancient cultivation. The objective was to investigate the problems of erämark utilization and the history of the boats. This book presents the history of research at Suojoki in addtition to describing and dating the finds and relating them to contemporary cultures.
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