Spatial Politics of Depoliticization

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Kellokumpu, Ville
The Spatial Politics of Depoliticization: Visionary Planning, Bioeconomy, and Forest Capital
Pohjois-Suomen Maantieteellinen Seura
Nordia Geographical Publications 52:1
Joensuu 2023, 130 s.
Ville Kellokumpu is a geographer interested in spatial politics. In his doctoral thesis, he examines depoliticization in the context of uneven capitalist development. His research demonstrates how depoliticization is conditioned by the material interdependence of politics with other societal spheres. The thesis scrutinizes depoliticization in the context of visionary planning, the bioeconomy, and forest industry restructuring and combines historical materialism and strategic-relational state theory in examining the spatial politics of depoliticization. In addition to studying depoliticization, Ville has been active in local politics and in the labour union. In his free time, he exercises, does leathercrafts, and hunts among other things.
More Information
ISBN 978-952-62-3640-7
ISSN 1238-2086
Publisher Pohjois-Suomen Maantieteellinen Seura
Series Nordia Geographical Publications
Published (year) 2023
Cover Softcover
Type of Binding Softcover binding
Languages english
Disciplines Geography, Forestry, Political Science, Environmental Studies
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