Reappraisals of Eino Kaila's philosophy

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Reappraisals of Eino Kaila's philosophy
Edited by Ilkka Niiniluoto & Sami Pihlström
Philosophical Society of Finland
Acta Philosophica Fennica 89
Helsinki 2012, 232 pp.
Eino Kaila's (1890‒1958) academic career spanned from his early psychological work and the simultaneous interest in religious and pragmatist themes, through his mature logically empiristic philosophy of science, up to his late thought, with a desperate search for the philosophical foundations of a unified scientific worldview. Most of the essays appearing in this volume are based on an international symposium on Eino Kaila's philosophy organized at the University of Helsinki in September 2010. The symposium offered reappraisals of Kaila's philosophy from a number of different perspectives, including not only epistemology and philosophy of science but also Kaila's criticism of metaphysics and religion as well as his view on ethics.
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