Index of Catalan Folktales

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Oriol, Carme & Pujol, Josep M.
Index of Catalan Folktales
Finnish Academy of Science and Letters
FF Communications 294
Vammala 2008, 313 pp.
The Catalan language is spoken over a large area divided among four states (Andorra, Spain, France and Italy), with a total population of 13.5 million inhabitants. Catalan culture has a large body of literature as well as a rich and extensive tradition of folklore studies. Catalan folktales were ignored by the Types of the Folktale until the second edition (1961), which included only references to the collection published by Joan Amades (1950). The present Index of Catalan Folktales brings together the work of some seventy collectors working along 150 years and for the first time gives a faithful and complete image of the Catalan contribution to the world´s folklore heritage.
More Information
ISBN 978-951-41-1015-3
ISSN 0014-5815
Publisher Kalevalaseura-säätiö
Series FF Communications
Published (year) 2008
Cover Softcover
Type of Binding Softcover binding
Languages multilingual
Disciplines Folklore
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