Breathe - You Know

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Orenius, Melanie & Porola, Laura & Donner, Ulla
Breathe - You Know
Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura
Kirjokansi 367
Riga 2024, 103 pp.
How should you act in an art museum (or in the world in general)? Why is art so odd? And what if you just don't get it?

Lumi and Niki, 14-years-old and BFFs, are off to Helsinki. The main purpose of the trip is, of course, to get out of “Fartville” — but also Lumi's cousin's artwork, which has been chosen (!!!) for a big art museum exhibition. The only thing is, Lumi's cousin hasn't told them what the artwork looks like.

The art museum isn't quite what Niki and Lumi had imagined. What is Alfa the Jock from school doing there? What happens if you take a nap in the museum? Will Lumi and Niki ever find Lumi's cousin's artwork among all the apocalyptic horses and peculiar performances?

Breathe - You Know is a comic book about what the adult world of museums looks like through a young person's eyes. But, above everything else, it's a story about how important it is to share your excitements, disappointments, anxieties, and — of course — chips with your best friend.

The authors, Melanie Orenius and Laura Porola, are art educators at Amos Rex art museum. Ulla Donner's illustrations bring to life encounters between museum staff and visitors which have been inspired by real life events.
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