Arctos 52

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Arctos 52
Editor-in-chief Martti Leiwo
Klassillis-filologinen yhdistys - Klassisk-filologiska föreningen
Mustasaari 2019, 276 pp.
Arctos 52 includes the following articles among others: Mireille Corbier, Nouvelle lecture d’une inscription de Mâcon; Gianluca de Martino, A multicultural Approach to the Study of the Cult of Hera in Poseidonia/Paestum; Richard Ducan-Jones, The Antonine Plague Revisited; Hilla Halla-aho, Left-dislocation, Subordinate Clauses and the Stylistic Difference between Plautus and Terence; George Hollenback, The Problems in the Vitruvian Hodometer Revisited.
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