Arctos 46

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Arctos 46. Acta Philologica Fennica
Editor-in-Chief Mika Kajava
Classical Association of Finland
Sastamala 2013, 362 pp.
Articles: Luigi Arata, Erbe leporine nella medicina greca antica; Christer Bruun, New Prosopographical Data Derived from Roman Lead Pipe Inscriptions; Robert Connal, Rational Mutiny in the Year of Four Emperors; Ulrike Ehmig & Rudolf Haensch, Harmonia mundi – Eine indigene Gottheit, griechische Mythologie und römische Übernahme; Mika Kajava: wa-no (KN Ch 5724); Tua Korhonen, On Human-Animal Sexual Relationships in Aelian's De Natura Animalium; Miika Kuha, Note intorno alla tradizione manoscritta di Chronica Venetiarum di Benintendi de' Ravagnani; Christian Laes, Latin Inscriptions and the Life Course. Regio III (Bruttium and Lucania ) as a Test Case; Mika Rissanen, The Hirpi Sorani and the Wolf Cults of Central Italy; Olli Salomies, The Nomina of the Samnites. A Checklist; Federico Santangelo, Sullanus and Sullani; Heikki Solin, Analecta epigraphica CCLXXII-CCLXXXV; Margarita P. Sotiriou, Bacchylides Behind His Metamorphoses: The Poetic Identity of a Lyric Narrator in the late 5th century BC.
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