Thesprotia Expedition III

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Thesprotia Expedition III. Landscapes of Nomadism and Sedentism
Eds. Björn Forsén, Nena Galanidou & Esko Tikkala
Suomen Ateenan-instituutin säätiö - Stiftelsen för Finlands Atheninstitut
Papers and Monographs of the Finnish Institute at Athens XXII
Vammala 2016, ii + 362 pp.
Thesprotia Expedition III. Landscapes of Nomadism and Sedentism presents the following articles: Björn Forsén & Nena Galanidou, Reading the Human Imprint on the Thesprotian Landscape: A Diachronic Perspective; Nena Galanidou, Christina Papoulia & Stephanos Ligkovanlis, The Middle Palaeolithic Bifacial Tools from Megalo Karvounari; Björn Forsén, Nena Galanidou, Christina Papoulia & Esko Tikkala, Beyond Sites: Tract Finds and Hidden Landscapes; Nena Galanidou & Christina Papoulia, PS 43: A Multi-period Stone Age Site on the Kokytos Vally Bottom, Björn Forsén, The Bronze Age Site of Goutsoura: Location, Stratigraphy and Date; Mika Lavento & Paula Kouki, A Geoarchaeological Study of the Goutsoura Sediments; Sarah Lima, Grave Constructions and Landscape Modification at Bronze Age Goutsoura; Jeannette Forsén, Bronze Age Pottery from Goutsoura; Sofia Doulkeridou, The Chipped Stone Assemblage from Goutsoura; Aristeides Papayiannis, Small Finds from Bronze Age Goutsoura; Markku Niskanen, Human Skeletal Remains from the Bronze Age Cemetary of Goutsoura; Vivi Deckwirth, Faunal Remains of Goutsoura: The Early Bronze Age Strata; Stella Macheridis, Faunal Remains of Goutsoura: The Late Middle Bronze Age to Early Iron Age Strata; Mikko Suha, The Walls of Elea: Some Thoughts Concerning Typology and Date; Tommi Turmo, The Gouriza Field: Looking Beyond the Surface Scatter.
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