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New Sites, New Methods
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New Sites, New Methods. Proceedings of the Finnish-Russian Archaeological Symposium, Helsinki, 19–21 November, 2014
Editors Pirjo Uino & Kerkko Nordqvist
Suomen Muinaismuistoyhdistys
Iskos 21
Vaasa 2016, 298 pp.
Editors Pirjo Uino & Kerkko Nordqvist
Suomen Muinaismuistoyhdistys
Iskos 21
Vaasa 2016, 298 pp.
Articles: Anatoliy N. Kirpichnikov, Pirjo Uino & Evgeniy N. Nosov, Finnish-Soviet/Russian Scientific Cooperation in Archaeology: Results of the Journey 1969–2014; Hannu Takala, Mark M. Shakhnovich, Anssi Malinen & Aleksey Yu. Tarasov, New Stone Age Sites to the North of Lake Ladoga in Karelia, Russia; Teemu Mökkönen & Kerkko Nordqvist, Quantifying Mineral Raw Materials in Neolithic Knapped Tool Production in the Lake Saimaa Area, Finnish Inland; Olga V. Lozovskaya & Vladimir M. Lozovski (†), The Use of Wood at the Zamostje 2 Site; Elisabeth Holmqvist, Recent Archaeometric Artefact Studies at the University of Helsinki; Vladimir M. Lozovski (†) & Olga V. Lozovskaya, New Evidence of the Finnish Economy of Stone Age Waterlogged Sites in Central and North-Western Russia: The Example of Zamostje 2; Aivar Kriiska, Dimitriy V. Gerasimov, Kerkko Nordqvist, Sergey N. Lisitsyn, Sarita Sandell & Margarita A. Kholkina, Stone Age Research in the Narva–Luga Klint Bay Area in 2005–2014; Oula Seitsonen, Kerkko Nordqvist & Dimitriy V. Gerasimov, Stone Age and Early Metal Period Archaeology and Settlement Patterns in the Lake Pyhäjärvi Micro-Region, Karelian Isthmus, Russia; Maria A. Yuskova, A New of Tarand Graves in the South-Western Part of Leningrad Oblast; Petri Halinen, The Inland Sámi Societies of Northern Fennoscandia during the Late Iron Age and Early Medieval Period: An Archaeological Approach; Evgeniy M. Kolpakov, Vladimir Ya. Shumkin & Anton I. Murashkin, Early Metal Age Dwellings in Eastern Lapland. Investigations of the Kola Archaeological Expedition (IHMC) in 2004–2014; Anton I. Murashkin, Eveniy M. Kolpakov, Vladimir Ya. Shumkin, Valeriy I. Khartanovich & Vyacheslav G. Moiseyev, Kola Oleneostrovskiy Grave Field.A Unique Burial Site in the European Arctic; Nataliya V. Khvoshchinskaya, The People of Vod’ and its Culture in Novgorod State; Stanislav V. Belskiy & Ville Laakso, Two Burial Traditions of the Crusade Period on the Karelian Isthmus and in Ladoga Karelia; Ville Laakso, The Carelian Culture after the Crusade Period; Juha Ruohonen, Build of Wood and Turned to Soil. Perspectives of Research History and New Observations Concerning Finland’s Oldest Churches with Reference to Ristimäki in Ravattula; Aleksandr I. Saksa, The Early Stages of the History of Vyborg. The results of Archaeological Research 1998–2012; Vladimir A. Lapshin & Natalia F. Slovyova, Archaeological Studies of St Petersburg by the Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Päivi Maaranen, Metal Detecting and Archaeology in Finland. An Overview of the Hobby and its Consequences; Timo Salminen, M. A. Castrén and his Archaeological Research in Russia and Siberia