Mohave Heroic Epic of Inyo-kutavêre. sid

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Hatto, Arthur T.
The Mohave Heroic Epic of Inyo-kutavêre. sid
Finnish Academy of Science and Letters
FF Communications 269
Vammala 1999, 162 pp.
Re-appraised and further interpreted by Arthur T. Hatto on the basis of the edition of A. L. Kroeber and consultation of his field record.
The Mohave Heroic Epic, the study of Inyo-kutavêre's Great Telling of how the Mohave regained their Given, then Lost Valley, belongs to the discipline of Ethnopoetics, one that has progressed by leaps and bounds since Alfred Kroeber chanced to record the tale as it was translated live into English for him in 1902, and with a rare wealth of ethnographic comment published it in 1951. The time has now come to re-assess and re-interpret this narrative as a true member of what we term 'the Heroic Epic meta-Genre', the only North American Indian specimen so far recogniced and indeed the only pre-Metal Age Heroic Epic known currently to scholars.
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