Comparing times and spaces

30,00 €
Comparing times and spaces. Historical, theoretical and methodological approaches to comparative education
Eds. Suvi Jokila, Johanna Kallo & Risto Rinne
Suomen Kasvatustieteellinen Seura
Kasvatusalan tutkimuksia – Research in Educational Sciences 69
Jyväskylä 2015, 263 pp.
This volume highlights current comparative education research conducted in the Nordic countries. The leitmotifs of the selected articles of this volume are time and space, which are both internalized themes in comparative research. The articles illustrate the tenacious interest in comparative research and reflect on the latest paradigmatic turns, such as the spatial turn, in comparative education. The book is well suited to researchers in comparative education as well as students who wish to familiarize themselves with the field.
ISBN 978-952-5401-71-4
ISSN 1458-1094
Kustantaja Suomen Kasvatustieteellinen Seura
Sarja Kasvatusalan tutkimuksia – Research in Educational Sciences
Painovuosi 2015
Julkaisun kansi Pehmeäkantinen
Sidontatapa Nidottu
Kielet englanti
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