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Catalogue of Portuguese Folktales
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37,00 €
Cardigos, Isabel with the collaboration of Paulo Correia & J. J. Dias Marques
Catalogue of Portuguese Folktales
Finnish Academy of Science and Letters
FF Communications 291
Vammala 2006, 406 pp.
Catalogue of Portuguese Folktales
Finnish Academy of Science and Letters
FF Communications 291
Vammala 2006, 406 pp.
In the old Aarne / Thompson, Portugal was virtually non-existent, appearing in the bibliography of just three folktales. In 2003, the author of The Types of International Folktales stretched his hand to the first manuscript of the Catalogue of Portuguese Folktales and included them in 700 types of his own manuscript. The Catalogue of Portuguese Folktales is now the first regional index that takes into account the classifications of the new 'ATU'. But it displays its difference by electing its own affinities with old 'AT' numbers, with regional catalogues, or even by offering new numbers. We can see a new face of the European folktale emerging, with a strong Mediterranean flavour.