Petra ‒ The Mountain of Aaron III

90,00 €
Kouki, Paula & Lavento, Mika
Petra ‒ The Mountain of Aaron III. The Finnish Archaeological Project in Jordan. Volume III. The Archaeological Survey
Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters
s.l. 2013, 413 pp., 10 append.
The Finnish Jabal Hārūn Project (FJHP) consists of two interrelated parts: the excavation of the Byzantine monastery and pilgrimage center on the top plateau of Jabal Hārūn and the archaeological survey in the surroundings of the mountain. This volume concentrates on the FJHP archaeological survey. The volume is divided into two parts. The first part discusses the research history, survey methodology and the analyses of the collected data. The second part of this volume consists of the catalogue of sites documented by the FJHP survey. A map of the FJHP intensive survey area can be found in a pocket inside the back cover of this volume.
ISBN 978-951-653-400-1
Kustantaja Finska Vetenskaps-Societeten - Suomen Tiedeseura
Sarja FVS erillisjulkaisuja
Painovuosi 2013
Julkaisun kansi Kovakantinen
Sidontatapa Sidottu
Kielet englanti
Tieteenalat Antiikintutkimus, Arkeologia, Orientalistiikka
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