Ideology and Argument

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Halmesvirta, Anssi
Ideology and Argument. Studies in British, Finnish and Hungarian Thought
Finnish Literature Society
Studia Historica 73
s.l. 2006, 327 pp.
The studies in the history of ideas in this book deal with select political ideologies in Britain, Hungary and Finland. The pivotal issues the author tackles are: how ideologies worked in different political cultures and how ideologues formulated them in search for rationale to their quest for power? One general observation emerges: ideologies were nuanced according to the context of their conception and reception but remained fundamentally uniform in one important respect: the ideologues purported to make their reform programmes persuasive by appealing to the latest discoveries of science, however inapplicable in politics they may have been.
More Information
ISBN 951-746-805-9
ISSN 0081-6493
Publisher Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura
Series Studia Historica
Published (year) 2006
Cover Softcover
Type of Binding Softcover binding
Languages english
Disciplines History
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